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Airbrush Self Tanner
Solrae Instant Airbrush Self Tanner
Airbrush Self Tanner
Solrae Instant Airbrush Self Tanner

Solrae Instant Airbrush Self Tanner


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PETA Cruetly-Free
PETA Cruelty-Free and Vegan

Solrae's Instant Airbrush Self Tanner are:

Made from naturally derived ingredients, Solrae's Instant Airbrush Self Tanner gives a no-streak, well-blended buildable color in minutes. Apply occasionally for a natural, golden glow or apply frequently for a deep long-lasting bronze tan. One of Solrae's most popular self-tanning bronzers that's also an organic sunless tanning spray!

An easy to apply, hydrating paraben-free formula. 100% vegan self-tanner (approved by the PETA Foundation) perfect for all skin types and tones. 


"I've tried so many sunless tanners and Solrae is 100% my favorite. The airbrush is my go-to for a quick bronze look. It smells good, fades evenly, and doesn't dry my skin out."

"Solrae Sunless Tanning products are amazing! I’ve used all of the expensive tanners out there and this one is much more affordable and gives a natural tan without the unpleasant smell of other self-tanning products. I love the organic self-tanners and that I’m supporting a small business!"

We Take Great Pride in Solrae's Formula

  • No harsh chemicals. A paraben-free self-tanner
  • An organic self-tanner made from natural and organic pharmaceutical-grade ingredients that are PETA registered.
  • A cruelty-free self-tan that is also vegan, and paraben-free.
  • We only use compressed natural air with safe non-cancer-causing chemicals. Solrae's Instant Airbrush Self Tanner is leakproof!

Solrae's Instant Airbrush Self-Tanner is California prop 65 certified. Made in the USA.

How to Use Airbrush Self Tanner

Shake well. Hold the applicator of Solrae's Airbush Self Tanner 5-6 inches away from your skin and evenly mist the desired area. If necessary, blend any unevenness. Be sure the skin is dry before dressing. Avoid water on the skin for at least 4 hours to help ensure beautiful, even coverage. Wash hands after use.

Purified Water, Dihydroxyacetone, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Polysorbate 20, Sodium Metabisulfite, Tetrasodium EDTA, Citric Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Fragrance, FD&C Yellow 6, FD&C Red 40, FD&C Blue 1. 

 You may also like Solrae's best self tanning kit.


1) How Long does Airbrush Tan Last?

Ans: Our airbrush tanner will last roughly 5 days. It all depends how you use it and how well you prep for it. Solrae’s Instant Airbrush Self-tanner should wear like our spray tans.

A lot of our customer’s tend to use the airbrush tanner as their makeup base, instead of foundation. If you use it in this way, it will not tan your skin as long as if you were to apply it at night, for example and sleep in it like you would a typical spray tan.

2) Is Airbrush Tanning Safe?

Ans: DHA, the tanning agent in solution, has been approved by the FDA for cosmetic purposes. Tanning solution does not absorb into the skin and simply tans the top layer of the skin. This explains why a faux glow only lasts about 7-10 days. As your skin naturally exfoliates, your tan fades. If you talk to any dermatologist, they will say it is a much more safe alternative than exposing your skin to UV rays.

3) Does Airbrush Tanning Look Natural?

Ans: Of course! Your airbrush tan will look natural. We pride ourselves in having found the perfect formulation for all of our products – you can always expect a beautiful, healthy, natural looking glow!

4) How Long after an Airbrush Tan can I Shower?

Ans: You should stay dry for at least six hours after applying your Instant Airbrush Self-tanner. This allows your skin to completely develop your tan to its fullest potential.

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Best self tanner out there

Ive bought and used this product several times even before it hit the amazon market, I recommend it to anyone who wants to tan without the orange look and streaks you normally get from going to the salon. I saw one bad review for it and I think it was just a faulty can, and of course that can happen but dont let that one review ruin your decision to try this. You wont regret it and it lasts so long. I love it.

Landry Yankle

Solrae Instant Airbrush Self Tanner


I was so excited for this. I have tried about every single self tanner in the world. First of all, it was delivered late. Second of all, it doesn’t spray right it’s all splotchy and it’s GREEN!! it leaks everywhere it’s a nightmare I’m going to try to send it back. I’m very sad it didn’t workout as well as it did for other reviewers:(

Alicia Cole
Natural Look

Best natural look.. no orange look at all!


Favorite product of all time since the first time using . Customer service is excellent !! Reasonably priced.